
Summer 2021

BBQ Sweetcorn with Harissa and Coriander Butter Recipe

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Serving: 5

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Four pieces of BBQ sweetcorn that have been flavoured with harissa and coriander butter on a griddle pan next to a box of Maldon Salt


New Maldon Sea Salt Flakes packaging orange SMOKED SEA SALT FLAKES 125g

200g Unsalted butter, softened

2 tbsp harissa

Small handful of coriander finely chopped

Pinch Maldon Smoked Salt

5 corn cobs


Our BBQ sweetcorn dish brings together the natural sweetness of corn on the cob with the deliciously smoky flavours of harissa and Maldon Smoked Salt.

Sweetcorn on the barbecue or grill provides much more flavour then boiling in a pot, as the open flames will allow the cob to get gently charred, allowing a delectable taste of sweet-and-savoury as you take your first bite.

We have coated the sweetcorn with a tasty, flavoured butter recipe that includes chopped coriander, a touch of harissa and a pinch of Maldon Smoked Salt to add a dynamic taste experience, making each mouthful exciting and memorable.

Here is how to make the harissa and coriander butter…

  1. In a small bowl, prepare the flavoured butter by mixing together the softened butter, harissa, chopped coriander and Maldon Smoked Salt.
  2. Place a piece of cling film to cover over the bowl and let is rest in a cool, dark place, ideally a fridge.

Now let’s begin cooking the sweetcorn…

  1. Heat up the barbecue or alternatively you can use a griddle pan.
  2. Use a pastry brush to brush the butter onto your sweetcorn, and then place them onto the barbecue and cook for 4 – 5 minutes on each side until the corn is bright yellow and cooked, with charred areas.
  3. Once the corn is cooked, brush it with a little bit of the butter and a final sprinkling of Maldon Smoked Salt.
  4. Your BBQ sweetcorn is now ready to be served. We recommend serving this dish with our Smokey Chargrilled Chicken recipe, which is perfect for a late summer’s evening supper!

Do you need to boil sweetcorn before barbecuing it?

There is no need to boil or steam sweetcorn before grilling or barbecuing it. This is because if you go straight to grilling, you gain a sweeter, perfect smoky taste to your corn with the pleasantries of charred edges, adding texture and depth to the dish. Boiling will only reduce the sweetness of the corn.

Grilling corn with husks…

A husk or hull, is the external, leafy shell that covers and protects the corn whilst it grows. Many people grill their sweetcorn with the husk still on because although it requires a bit of hard work and effort reaps with flavourful rewards.

  1. Firstly, you need to make sure you remove the silk of the corn, which is the long stands that grow underneath the husk.
  2. Now soak the cobs for 15-20 minutes. This will prevent the husks from catching on fire from the BBQ or pan griddle.
  3. Once soaked, begin grilling the sweetcorn for 20-25 minutes, turning them evenly to get a blackened coating on the outside of the husk.

You now have deliciously moist, juicy BBQ sweetcorn corn with a hint of charr to it to give a gentle nuttiness.

Another popular method if grilling sweetcorn in foil, which also allows the sweetcorn to become beautifully moist, but it last the smoky grill flavour.

4.5/5 (2 Reviews)
Brunch food spread on table


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