
Spring 2022

Roasted Heritage Tomatoes

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Serving: 2 - 4 people

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours

Roasted Heritage Tomatoes


12 – 14 Heritage tomatoes, mixed sizes, and colours

2 tbsp Olive oil

1 tsp Soft brown sugar

Maldon sea salt

Cracked black pepper


This recipe shows you how tomatoes are packed full of flavour when roasted, causing it to be a delectable addition to any meal. The roasting process really does intensify the sweetness of the tomato, whilst also creating undertones of depth when they begin to char slightly.

  1. Preheat the oven to 180c.
  2. Slice the tomatoes into rounds and then place them into a large bowl with the olive oil, sugar, and plenty of cracked black pepper. Toss the tomatoes so they are well coated.
  3. Place the dressed tomatoes onto a baking tray and place into the oven for 30 minutes, turning them from time to time to ensure they don’t burn.
  4. They are ready when they are fully roasted and beginning to char. These are delicious when simply served with some olive oil and a pinch of Maldon salt.
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