
Autumn 2022

The Maldini, Using Hayman’s London Dry Gin

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Serving: 1



50ml Hayman's London Dry Gin

5ml Dry Vermouth

7.5ml Maldon Salt solution (100ml water, 4g Maldon Salt dissolved)


We’ve teamed up with Hayman’s Gin to create our very own ‘Maldini’ cocktail. Using their London Dry Gin, we’ve paired this with a Maldon Salt solution base, where you use water and salt together to create a balance to the drink.

Salt with Gin? We know this might surprise a few people, but did you know that the use of salt with alcohol actually enhances the sweetness and balances the bitterness of a dry gin! It really is delicious and makes a great cocktail for your guests at a dinner party.

  1. Add all ingredients to a mixing glass with ice and stir for approximately 15 seconds until diluted.
  2. Pour into a Nick and Nora or Martini Glass (chilled) and serve with cornichon on a cocktail stick.
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