
Winter 2021

Fig jam

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mermelada de higos


New Maldon Sea Salt Flakes packaging green SEA SALT FLAKES 125g

1kg ripe figs

400g granulated sugar

Zest of 2 unwaxed lemons

Juice of 2 lemons

1 tsp Maldon salt


How to create:

  1. Pop all the ingredients into a saucepan with a splash of cold water.
  2. Mix to combine them and bring to a simmer over a medium-low heat, stirring constantly for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cover and simmer on a very low heat for 1 hour stirring occasionally.
  4. The figs will break down and you’ll be left with a delicious jam with textured bits from the soft fig skin.
  5. Popping your jam into jars is a slightly lengthy process… but worth it to give it the longevity so you can enjoy it later in the year. Pop your glass jars on a tray and slide them into the oven at 130c/275f (don’t have it any hotter as they may shatter) leave them in the oven for at least 20 minutes. Be extremely careful taking them out one by one using oven gloves, popping them on to a heat proof mat or pad. Spoon the hot jam mix straight into the jars and seal the lid tightly. Pop your jam in the cupboard, once open keep in the fridge and consume within 2 months!
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