Christmas cocktail
How to create: Run the lime wedge around your cocktail glasses and dip into the Maldon Salt. Combine all the parts in a...
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Brussel Sprouts
How to create: Cook the brussels in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain and leave until they cool. Heat the bacon in bite...
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Honey roasted parsnips
How to create: Preheat the oven to 200C. Top and tail the parsnips cut into wedges. Drizzle over the honey and olive oil...
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Roasted carrots
Preheat the oven to 200C. Place on a baking tray and add the olive oil and a generous pinch of Maldon salt and...
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Vegetarian Sausage rolls
How to create: Fry the sausages until nicely brown, but don’t overcook them. Set aside to cool. Roll out your pastry and cut...
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Spaanse Chocolate Almond Turron
Breek de chocolade in stukjes en doe ze in een glazen kom boven heet water tot ze smelten. Zodra de chocolade volledig gesmolten...
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Chocolate cake
How to create: Cut 185g unsalted butter into small cubes and tip into a bowl. Break 185g dark chocolate into small pieces and...
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Potato & Chorizo Hash
Bereiding Verwarm de oven voor op 180°C/gasstand 4. Pel en snipper de ui en knoflook, hak de chorizo, snij de gekookte aardappelen in...
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Pannekoeken van de bosbes
Doe alle ingrediënten in een mixer en pureer. Giet de inhoud in een kan. Verwarm een pan en doe er boter in. Als...
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